
DeMatrix Medallion for Detox


- helps strengthen the body against pathogens
- helps supports the immune and nervous systems
- helps reduce the effects of poisoning (including drugs and heavy metals)
- helps reduces the toxic load on the body
- helps balance mental state

Recommended to use for at least 6 months to address (1) inflammation in different body parts or internal organs and (2) acute and chronic intoxication by drugs or alcohol.

DeMatrix bio-corrective medallions are intended for the harmonization and alignment of the body, as well as the protection from negative vibrations and energy.

They can be used independently to maintain wellbeing, and also as an additional method for treatment and recovery.

To enhance medallion benefits and functions, it is recommended to combine it with other DeVita devices.

It can be combined with any medication and/or treatment methods.

* Not a medical device.
** For individual use only.

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